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Swoop's New Flights From London, Ontario To Orlando & Cancun Cost As Little As $79

The flights are running twice a week for each destination!
Cheap Flights From London, Ontario To Cancun And Orlando Will Be $79 And Up

We've got some great news for Canadian travelers again! Swoop Airlines just announced that they will be adding two direct flights to Orlando and Cancún from London, Ontario for those looking to escape the winter. The cheap flights from London, Ontario will be taking off twice a week. With tickets from London being as low as $79, there are no more excuses to plan that winter vacay. For those looking to fly to Cancún, the service will be available on Thursdays and Saturdays, and prices are starting from $118 one-way from London. A one-way back from Cancún to London is even cheaper, at just $69.If you're looking to be a little closer to home, flights to Orlando will be operating on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The flight from London is priced at $79 one-way. A one-way back from Orlando will be priced at $52.If you want to score on these low prices, booking starts on November 1, and the flights with these low prices will be operating from January 7 - February 12, 2020.

However, flights to Cancún and Orlando will be available from now until April 2020, according to the release. Swoop is owned by WestJet, who also came out with some extremely cheap transatlantic flights earlier this week. Looks like it's time to start planning a getaway. "We're thrilled to launch non-stop service to Cancún and Orlando from London with Swoop this week," said Michael Seabrook, President and CEO, London International Airport in a news release. 

[rebelmouse-image 25953646 photo_credit="Swoop | News Release" expand=1 original_size="545x280"]

"The addition of these routes offers passengers more ultra-low-cost options for their winter escape this season from our easy and comfortable airport."

However, it is important to note that since Swoop is an "unbundled service", some additional charges will be included besides the base ticket price, such as bag check. 

Swoop has been around since 2018, offering ultra-low-cost travel options to Canadians. They service 17 destinations between Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and the Caribbean. 

Their planes are equipped with in-flight WiFi and power outlets located in each seat.

So pack your bags, because it's finally time to escape that Canadian cold. 

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