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What to order from Big Fin Seafood Kitchen’s Magical Dining menu

Written By Scott Joseph On August 30, 2021


Visit Orlando’s Magical Dining is underway, running through Oct. 3, and I’m bringing you some of my recommendations over the next few days.

Next up: Big Fin Seafood Kitchen

Above you’ll see the Magical Dining choices for the first and last course. If you want to go straight for the best bang for your buck, you’ll order the clam chowder and the cheesecake. (True, the house salad is the same price as the chowder but I’ll always choose a chowder over a salad.)

Now let’s take a look at the entrees.

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The center cut filet knocks it out of the park with a $45 rack rate. I’d go with that but then I’d add on the shrimp for $6 more and make it one of the best surf and turf deals in town.

You’re still out ahead if you just want to go with the salmon, which is very good. Roasted chicken breast doesn’t call to me, though I’m sure that in the hands of executive chef Eric Enrique it’s delicious. I also think the recommended wine pairings are fairly priced.

One note about the pricing. Even though the Magical Dining menu is set at $37, it’s customary to tip on the undiscounted total (minus taxes).

Visit Orlando’s Magical Dining runs from Aug. 27 through Oct. 3. One dollar from each dinner sold goes to support this year’s charities, Pathlight HOME and iDignity.

Big Fin Seafood Kitchen is at 8046 Via Dellagio Way, Orlando. It is open for dinner daily. The phone number is 407-615-8888.

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